December 31st officially marked 4 months since I arrived on the Africa Mercy. Cue the mixed emotions, lots of feelings and reflections on 2015 and all the good gifts the Lord has bestowed upon me. Little gifts like internet and video chat to stay connected with you all even when we are thousands of miles apart, life-long friendships that are forming, biking in good weather, good team work on a busy work day, and a simple interaction with a patient that makes them smile. Big gifts like losing my cellphone which was an inconvenience but also taught me that yes I can survive without a cellular device attached to me at all times. I know shocking. Bigger gifts like so much love and support from family and friends and my mom's ability to know me better than myself. (Sorry Dad, love you too!) This opportunity to serve the people of Madagascar with Mercy Ships that daily forces me to stand in awe of how good His timing is and how evident His goodness is in people's lives by restoring hope and healing. Being away from the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season this year allowed me to really reflect on God's greatest gift of His one and only Son. However, I have found myself at times still doubting His goodness. Sometimes I think could it all really be this good? There must be a catch. It can't be this simple. It's all too good to be true. Then I hear God whisper it is this good and yes it can get even better than this. I heard a pastor once say that a gift isn't a gift unless it is received. God can and longs to pour out all of these blessings but more often than not I find myself coming to him with my hands closed, holding on to what I deem best and in a sense preventing myself from receiving all of His goodness. This year God is challenging me to open up my hands, let go of my agenda, doubts, fears, bitterness and worries and receive the more than enough, over abundant and more then I can ask for or imagine good gifts that He has in store for me in 2016.
"When you are overwhelmed with the goodness of God to you-you overflow with the goodness of God to others" Ann Voskamp
I write this all with a little hesitancy. I don't want to sound repetitive. I don't want to make it sound like everything is rainbows, butterfly's and fairy tales all the time. However, sometimes you have to take a moment to step back from all the nonsense and confusion swirling around you and stand on the promise that "goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life." He comes to bring life and life abundantly if we would only open our hands and hearts to receive it all. I'm challenging myself and you this year to put aside all that hinders you, trust that His ways are always perfect and with a willing heart receive all the good gifts God has in store for you this year. I don't know what those good gifts will look like for you. Maybe it's trusting Christ and allowing Him into your life, situation and heart for the first time (Ephesians 2:8-10). Maybe it's letting go of anger and bitterness and stepping into peace and joy. Perhaps it's putting the past behind you and confidently walking into the destiny and purpose he has for your life.
Praying that 2016 is the best one yet for all of you!
Taking care of these ladies is one of the best gifts of 2015!
Another great gift. Building friendships and exploring this beautiful country of Madagascar:
Before 2015 ended I had the chance to go to another city in Madagascar called Antsirbe. The journey was long but in Madagascar traveling is all part of the fun and the scenery was breathtaking. Antisarbe is colorful, and busy with a lot of different shops and markets. The main attraction was a volcanic lake called Lake Tritriva. We walked around the lake and apparently some people go cliff diving here. The water is cold with no living thing due to the high levels of phosphate and sulfur. Don't worry we decided not to jump or swim :)
My great traveling buddy Irene!
This railway operates between the capital city of Tana and Tamatave but only for freight train use.
Local post office
Capital city of Antananarivo
Finally, thanks to your generous support I have the full amount of my crew fees covered for the months that I extended! Another great gift :) If you still wish to donate I suggest you check out the Mercy Ships website, do some research for yourself and consider donating to the organization. Once again without supporters like you Mercy Ships can not bring this level of care to the poorest of the poor.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
Although I am currently serving with Mercy Ships, everything communicated here strictly reflects my personal opinions and is neither reviewed nor endorsed by Mercy Ships. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships.
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