


Friday, November 6, 2015


It is no shock that I have enjoyed this time with Mercy Ships. These patients have taught me more and have given me more life, wisdom, and joy than I could have ever given them. People said before I left things like "this will be a life changing experience" or "you"ll never the be the same after this." I couldn't figure out for a little bit why the thought of all that actually inflicted anxiety within me. Why was I afraid of change? Why was I afraid of growth? Then I realized deep down how much I hate change. I hate being taken out of my comfort zone, I hate not feeling competent or in control of situations. I hate not knowing what's next or how the story will end. Don't we all?!?
A precious friend gave me the following quote before I left and it has been lingering in my heart:

" O Christ, do not give me tasks equal to my powers, but give me powers equal to my tasks, for I want to be stretched by things too great for me. I want to grow through the greatness of my tasks, but I shall need your help for the growing." -E. Stanley Jones

I have already been stretched by the greatness of all the pain, suffering, joy, faith and hope that is involved in caring for these ladies. It has not been easy. It has been difficult sending ladies home that aren't completely healed. It has been difficult walking with patients when it is clear that they are hopeless and frustrated with their situation. The language barrier at times is frustrating and learning the cultural difference has proven to be a challenge. Yet over and over again God is reminding me that I'm not doing this on my own. It is his power working through me that is allowing me to be his hands and feet to care for these patients. He has proven over and over again that His power is made perfect in my weakness and that He makes ALL things work together for my good.

I had been thinking about possibly extending my stay with Mercy Ships but wasn't sure if it would be possible. After inquiring I found out that a position for the ICU/maxillofacial ward had just opened up for around the time I was scheduled to leave. So at the end of this month I will move to living and working on the ship until the beginning of February. I know plot twist haha :)

 Friends, I"ll be honest I miss home. I miss talking to you all face to face and just chatting about life but as another precious friend said there is a special peace knowing that I'm about our Fathers business. I'm in good hands. I will be stretched, I will grow and it might be painful at times but God will multiply this time to do more things than I could ever imagine and I'm looking forward to all that He has planned :)

Thanks for reading and I hope that you will continue to walk with me along this adventure!

Lots of love,

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